This is not about any thing. This is not about some person that somehow inexplicably becomes some other person. This is not about someone becoming wise. This is not about suddenly knowing the answers to the questions you asked all your life. This is not about becoming a better person. This is not about feeling more loving. This is not about being a kinder human being. This is not about all the things we might have imagined or hoped it would be about.

This is not a story of a perfect human being walking out of the ashes of an ordinary human being. This is not about seeing everything as it is, only seeing what isn't and never was. There is no one who can change or improve or understand. The very same patterns and habits of life may repeat, though some may be altered. But patterns of what we label behavior change all the time without any shift; someone quits drinking, someone turns into a murderer, someone becomes an activist, someone falls in love.

There is no sage who suddenly has control over any thing, for there is no one and there is no thing that is or can be controlled. For some it is expressed in beauty and wonderment, yet that very same appearance of a sage can still act like the pettiest human being an hour later. Just like any human can seem to act out of unconditional love one day and be an ass the next.

No sage can do any more than express how it seems to whatever they seem to be, in a language they know can never capture what is felt and perceived. No sage suddenly has answers to the world's problems or your personal problems. They may believe or say or do anything, including things you see as very un-sage-like. They just do not see it as personal.

In the world that appears, you cannot tell a sage from anyone else. In line at the supermarket they do not glow, they do not levitate when stuck in traffic, they do not see you with their third eye and reveal the ultimate truth of any thing at all.

They are simply aware that what is, is not what was always believed and perceived. Yet they cannot tell you how it really is, define the nature of ultimate reality, or even know what they truly are. No more than any one else, which is to say not at all. If this is anything, it is replacing the end of the sentence that concluded with an exclamation point with a period, then a comma, then a question mark.


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