Every concept and idea can be unraveled like a ball of string, leaving nothing at all. But there is no actual nothing left. The absence of self or things is not nothing, not emptiness, not some new idea that stands in for the loss of an old idea. If it is seen that the human interpretation of the story of being a person in a world of separate people and things is simply that, and has no substance or actual existence, you can’t replace it with some vague metaphysical or philosophical idea of something else or there is just one belief traded for another. This is the end of belief, even in beliefs. The end of knowing, even of unknowing. What’s funny is that no one steps outside of the mind-made world to see or know anything. Even in the tale of events, or non-events, where time seems to stop and everything is clearly seen as never having been what thoughts claimed it was, at some point the body is like a bored teenager who says, “Yep, it’s all just appearances, there’s never b...