I have no idea whether anything I seem to write or say is ever understood. I don’t even understand what I say below the very thin veneer of apparent meaning, and I have no idea why I say it, or even who says it. At times there seems to be understanding. When the daughter of the couple from the village comes up and cooks, it seems there is communication and understanding about serving and eating food. I can say "pass the rumbledethumps" and she knows it refers to the potato dish she has prepared for me. We both have the same concept of what we call a potato. When I tell her life seems to just happen without volition or any one to have it, she seems to understand and sees that she has never chosen a thought or emotion. Do we have the same definition of thoughts and emotions? Are there any such things? Is a thought about a potato a thought or a potato? When I read people sharing opinions on events they say are happening in some world they imagine, as opposed to events ...