Remembrance of Things Past
I get asked a lot of difficult questions. I answer some of them, even though I always say none of my answers are true. They are just the programming. Like asking Siri on your iphone. Some ask how they can get enlightened. Some ask how I got enlightened. Some ask if I am enlightened. Some ask why I think I am enlightened when they are enlightened and it is clear I am not. Some ask if I want them to enlighten me and begin to explain how they will do this. Those are all fun, as they are so fundamentally unanswerable it’s like being in college again staying up all night with nerd friends pondering the nature of the Universe and the meaning of life. Sometimes people ask a question so mind-blowing I have to turn off the computer and go outside for a walk. A question that is so enormous it defies imagination. They ask me, so, Miranda, what did you do yesterday? Wow. Yesterday! First, I think it must be a trick question, but they are serious. They even tell me what they “did” ye...